
Fundamentum Connect is the cornerstone of security management and flexibility for your IoT platform through the management of roles, permissions and users. It simplifies IoT device integration through secure and efficient connectivity.

With tailored connectivity solutions for diverse operational needs. This service enhances real-time data transfer and analytics, ensuring seamless performance and robust networking in any IoT ecosystem.

Key Features

Granular Access Control

Connect lets you define granular roles and permissions for each user, limiting their access to the functions and data they need. This allows you to manage access to the various connected devices, dashboards, reports, analyses and other resources in your intelligent solution.

Centralized User Management

Connect is the central place for creating, modifying and deleting users in your solution, assigning them roles and permissions according to their needs. You can also simplify user management with single sign-on (SSO) support.

Enhanced Security

Connect makes your solution even more secure by enabling the management of unique authentication tokens for its integration or data consumption through your APIs.

Flexibility for Diverse Applications

Connect integrates with all your IoT solutions, from all types of smart infrastructure to smart cities. Manage access for teams of different sizes and levels of expertise.



Business Management


Seamless Device Integration

Connect simplifies the integration of a wide array of IoT devices, providing a unified approach to device connectivity across various network standards.

Robust API Access

Efficiently access and manage identities and permissions through a robust API, ensuring your applications can seamlessly integrate with Connect.

Enhanced Data Security

The service includes robust security features that safeguard data transmissions against unauthorized access and cyber threats, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.


As IoT networks grow, Connect allows for easy scaling of device connectivity, supporting an increasing number of devices without losing performance.

Real-time Data Exchange

Ensures fast and reliable data transfer, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making that are crucial for operational efficiency.

Reduced Complexity

By managing diverse connectivity needs through a single service, Connect reduces the complexity typically associated with deploying and maintaining IoT networks.

Cost Efficiency

Optimizes data transmission to lower network traffic and reduce associated costs, making it cost-effective for large-scale IoT deployments.

Extend the Capabilities of Your IoT Platform

“Connect, with its centralized user, role and permission management, is an essential component of any high-performance IoT platform. It offers granular access control, comprehensive user management and enhanced security to support our wide range of smart solutions.”
Adrien Orceau, Product Owner
DIMONOFF Mobility - Smart Parking Management Solution

Fundamentum Services

Collectively enable seamless device connectivity and management, advanced data analytics, secure communication, and robust reporting.

Ensure efficient and secure IoT operations while Fundamentum services support the development of your SaaS applications

Fundamentum Services Schema Architecture

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