Will Carbon Paper Forms Protect Your Competitive Edge?

October 18, 2018

You know you have to go digital. You won’t be able to catch-up when someone new disrupts your habits by introducing a fully digital process. The digital wave has arrived and it is unlocking tremendous opportunities for companies that offer Non-destructive Testing (NDT) and Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) services. Efficiency can be increased by 25% to 45%, and 100% process compliance can be achieved while reducing operational cost.

A lack of digital investment leads to loss of competitiveness

Carbon paper forms were a great technology a few decades ago, but they no longer meet the more demanding requirements of regulators. A simple check mark isn’t acceptable as proof for finished work. Service companies need to provide photos, data and screen captures that demonstrate that the work was carried out according to procedure. This becomes an added burden for field technicians who now spend time on meaningless clerical tasks that take up precious working hours. It remains mandatory to log the information and many non-compliant findings are uncovered when reports are being created.

Whether a technician waits a few hours or a few days to enter the information into a computer after the field work is completed, it is not unusual to realize that a few things have been missed under the pressure of getting the work done. Maybe the radiography exposure settings were not right and the shot needs to be redone. Maybe the phased-array data was saved on an instrument but a colleague left with it, resulting in significant time loss.

These are common stories that negatively impact cost and efficiency, delay revenue entry, create customer dissatisfaction and when left unresolved, perpetuate a culture without personal accountability. Companies need to act because the status-quo is too much of a risky position to maintain. The loss of competitive advantage is the number one risk resulting from a lack of digital investment, according to a survey by Accenture**.

What can be done to improve efficiency and ensure better compliance performance?

Like all transformations in an organization, success will rely on process, people and technology. These are the key pillars for adopting a successful digital transition. By choosing a digital platform created for and by people in the NDT and NDE field and leveraging the right technology partner, service companies can be up and running in a matter of weeks.

KOROK Technologies has developed the only digital platform capable of unleashing full efficiency in the NDT and NDE industry. By transforming manual processes into digital workflows, by preventing human errors, automating routine tasks such as instantaneous reporting while offering the flexibility needed to face unplanned events, the KOROK digital platform brings efficiency and compliance to asset owner/operator and service companies.

When paired with the Nubitus Key, any data files or screen captures can be automatically incorporated into the final report while the work is in progress. Nubitus communicates seamlessly with the KOROK digital companion that guides field technicians step-by-step through the inspection process. Because data is natively captured in a digital format and Nubitus can communication bidirectionally with a wide range of NDT and NDE equipment, it eliminates many clerical tasks like file transfer or information retranscription.

The time has come to go digital. Carbon paper forms are no longer adequate when millions of dollars worth of assets are at stake!

**Source: Digital Refining Survey 2018, Accenture

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Picture of Éric Dusablon

Éric Dusablon

VP Business Development. Projects are driving my career. Managing successfully complex teams and complex projects with key developers is a great feeling. Realizing the best solution to a problem is the only reward. If it is new, if it helps somehow to resolve a problem, if there is a balance between challenge and budget. It is made for me!

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