New Feature: Nubitus is Now Bidirectional

November 30, 2017

When we were thinking about Nubitus, our thoughts were oriented on solving a significant problem in the NDT workflow. We were looking to create a simple device that will ease inspection. By simplifying, we mean: automate non-valuable processes to gain resources efficiency.

Nubitus is a connected tool which automates NDT file management on any inspection instrument equipped with a USB port. Easy to use, the nubitus key receives updated configurations from your office and transfers acquired inspection data automatically on your own private server or cloud solution. The key does not require any manipulation or laptop with compression encryption and GPS tagging. For the NDT industry, it is a game changer in terms of efficiency and data security.

We accomplished a part of this target when we released the first version of Nubitus. This first version consisted of:

  • Automatically sends data to a server
  • Auto-delete when data is transferred
  • Back up of data instantly created
  • File encryption
  • Secured FTP connection
  • GPS location of any collected file
  • Compatible with almost every server or cloud solution

On top of this, Nubitus is compatible with all instruments with a USB port. Those features are pretty powerful. Nubitus is capable of pushing inspection files from almost anywhere in the world to the headquarters automatically without a laptop. It could provide enough benefits to solve most of the NDT workflow problems.

Even with those features, we were not comfortable to say that the job was done.

Many of our customers were telling us that something was missing and they were all pointing to the same problem. That problem being, inspectors need a laptop to receive last-minute configuration changes and sometimes that can be troublesome. For instance, if the inspector is far away or hanging at 300 feet in the air to a windmill and needs to revert to Level 3 settings, can the inspector receive configuration without a laptop?

At that time the simple answer was no…until now! Nubitus is not only able to push information to a proprietary cloud solution but it’s now capable of receiving configuration files or other data.

In the actual NDT context, businesses need to be more efficient to be more competitive which has an impact on a lot of things. One of those is to assign the right personnel at the right place. For example, keep a Level 3 in the office while the Level 1 works in the field. To accomplish that you need the right tool. With Nubitus your Level 1, 2 and 3 have never been so close!

If you want to test it at the ASNT Annual Conference 2017. Come by our booth #607.

Nubitus Integration Is No Longer an Issue to IT Teams

The response from the NDT about the product is excellent since data is critical to the industry. More and more businesses are integrating the product to their normal team’s process. Organisations gain efficiency, Level 3’s stay more often at the office, Level 1’s cover more ground in a day, so every department seems to be happy… but the IT team.

We were aware that nubitus was representing energy to integrate to your own IT solution whether you have a FTP solution, a VPN solution or a private/public cloud solution. It was just logical, we were only offering the nubitus without a full integration support team. IT were essentially on their own, until now!

We have heard you! We have created new services to respond to all your potential IT problems related to the nubitus integration. Therefore, our team will be able to integrate nubitus in your own IT solution, train the IT team and the inspectors, give online or offline support if you have any issues. In addition, if you do not have a cloud solution, we are resellers of Box or Workpad. We cover it all and more.

Of course, all comes at a price, but to enjoy the benefits of nubitus knowing that we have your back if any problems occur, it’s worth it!



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Picture of Éric Dusablon

Éric Dusablon

VP Business Development. Projects are driving my career. Managing successfully complex teams and complex projects with key developers is a great feeling. Realizing the best solution to a problem is the only reward. If it is new, if it helps somehow to resolve a problem, if there is a balance between challenge and budget. It is made for me!

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